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Solar panels

Solar Panels Are Residential and Commercial the Same

Are Residential and Commercial Solar Panels the Same

If you are shopping for solar panels and wondering whether to choose residential or commercial solar panels, then you are in the right place.

Solar panels operate on the science of harvesting the sun’s energy and converting it into usable electricity to fulfill the power needs of your household or business. You can install residential panels on your rooftop or in your garden.

On the other hand, commercial consist of a large array of numerous photovoltaic (PV) panels. These panels convert the sunlight into electricity. Both types of panels may appear the same physically, but there are some differences. Let us explore what these are.

Residential Solar Panels vs. Commercial Solar Panels

Homeowners and business owners are increasingly switching to solar energy. From rising costs of fuel-based energy to devastating effects of one’s carbon footprint, several reasons derive the adoption of these panels amongst the masses. However, here are four differences that set residential and commercial panels apart.

1. Color Code

Residential panels are either white or black. However, commercial ones mostly tend to be white. However, you can have black panels with white backing or black systems with black backing. The choice is entirely yours.

2. Installation

The installation process is the same for both systems. You use a bolted rack system to place the panel facing the sky. However, we know that commercial roofs are flatter than residential roofs. This makes the installation of panels a straightforward exercise in commercial buildings.

That said, you can install residential panels in a day or two, whereas installation of a commercial system may take from weeks up to a month. 

3. Power

While residential panels are efficient to harvest and convert the sunlight, commercial panels are more more efficient. Furthermore, commercial panels are capable of producing more energy because they have bigger panels compared to their residential counterparts.

However, if you wish to calculate the price of either of the panels, the power they produce can play the deciding role. Remember, the more energy you want the panels to generate, the higher the more powerful system you will need. On the other hand, the more power your panels generate, the more cost-efficient the system will be.

Typically, residential are cheaper than commercial ones. However, the latter produces more energy, making them cost-efficient for businesses.

4. Size of Solar panels

Typically, commercial are bigger in size compared to residential panels. While residential solar panels usually are 65 inches x 39 inches and contain 72 cells, a commercial one is 79 inches x 39 inches with 96 cells.

As a homeowner, you can opt to buy a commercial solar panel if the size is not an issue for you. However, they will produce more power and will prove to be a more cost-efficient solution.


Yes, there are some differences between residential Solar Panels and commercial solar panels,

but they have one thing in common. They are both cost-efficient as well as environmentally friendly. So, if you are a homeowner or a business considering either of the two solar panels, contact CellX Energy today! And get a quote.